I don’t know what to do with my hands!

and other Presentation Frustrations solved

You have an upcoming presentation.
You want to give a Ted Talk.

You are feeling insecure about your presence or ability to communicate your content.

Maybe you want to continue to uplevel your presentation & speaking skills.

This 90 minute Live Virtual Training will give you a solid foundation as it addresses that most common presentation frustration: I don’t know what to do with my hands!

Interpersonal communication is important. Your non-verbals speak volumes. Heighten your awareness, practice the tools and grow your confidence!

Get tips, learn techniques, practice them and and leave feeling more confident and ready to knock your next presentation out of the park!

Kate delivers a meaningful session to bring your presentation skills up a notch, or two. Highly recommend.
— Angela Billings MBA

Gestures is a live small group virtual training designed to give real world applicable training on what to do with your Hands. I lead the group through current and traditional thought on non-verbal communication,

I don’t know what to do with my hands!

How to feel confident using your gestures, what to worry about and what to not worry about. The Training is followed by a 30 minute Practice Lab where participants can receive direct coaching on a specific concerns or questions.

Some of the topics include:
Faking it v Making it
Taking up space
Connecting to the Audience
Connecting to Emotion
Finding Space for Stillness

What do I do with my hands??

It’s one of the most frequently asked Questions in trainings, workshops and public speaking coaching.

The short is answer is: it depends!

The long answer is more complex.

Gestures add impact and influence to your words. They help the audience connect to your message and process the ideas and information you are delivering.

Gestures and Physical Communication are aspect of Presence, Confidence and Leadership. Some lucky people have an innate sense of these things. The rest of us can learn, practice and integrate techniques that help us project the confidence and authority needed to persuade, influence or inspire our audience.

Perhaps you’ll be speaking & leading more
Or you’re at the start of your career
Regardless you want to uplevel your speaking skill

Good for you!
Learning new things is half the fun of life!

join this 90 minute seminar/training to learn traditional techniques such as finding a ‘resting place’ for your hands when they aren’t in action to the more complex ideas behind the power of Gesture.

Interested in 1:1 Coaching?

If you are looking to elevate your career, improve your public speaking, and strengthen your presence, contact me to see if 1:1 coaching is right for you!

1:1 coaching might be right if you are:

An Emerging Leader
Recently received a Promotion
Preparing for an upcoming Presentation or Interview

Wanting to elevate your Communication Skills.